SASO registered student exams are proctored by the Texas Southern University, Testing Center (UTC). SASO will proctor student’s exams that are approved for assistive technology use during exams. UTC provides a secure testing environment that includes audio and video monitoring measures.
UTC is an accessible site. UTC is committed to providing quality test services. UTC adheres to professional testing standards and regulations. UTC maintains integrity of all exams. All examinees will be treated in a professional manner with dignity and respect. All examinees will comply with UTC testing rules and processes.
All exams must include the Exam Proctoring Instruction Form (EPIF). Please follow the below steps for the UTC to proctor SASO registered student exams.
Step 1: Students must request testing accommodations. The Instructor and student must discuss how testing accommodations will be provided (i.e., with the Instructor/UTC with accommodations).
If UTC is the allocated test proctoring location please complete the following steps.
Step 2: Instructors must access the SASO web page to complete the Exam Instruction Proctoring Form (EIPF). The Exam Instruction Proctoring Form informs UTC on how to proctor the exam appropriately.
Step 3: Please ensure you are scheduling the exam date at least 72 hours in advance for accommodations to be approved by SASO and sent to UTC.
Step 4: Upload the exam to the form.
Step 5: Electronically sign the form.
Step 6: The information will be sent to SASO electronically for approval.
Step 7: Upon receipt of the information, SASO will forward approved testing accommodations to UTC, including the SASO Exam Proctoring Form sent by the Instructor.
Step 8: UTC will contact the student to schedule an exam appointment. UTC policies and procedures are provided.
Step 9: After completion of the exam, UTC sends electronic correspondence that the student completed the exam. UTC Testing Administrators will return the exam to the Instructor via email, by the end of the current or following business day. Professors may pick up exams after the completion of the exam.